Thursday, August 12, 2010

Being Coy

What does a legendary designer to the stars and royalty have in common with an Atlanta designer who has been on House Beautiful's list of top 100 designers in America? And what does one designer who cut her design teeth under the tutelage of the current White House decorator have in common with a designer who has been published in more than 100 national and international design publications?

Tune into tomorrow at 8am to find out. How's that for a tease?


  1. THAT is a heck of a tease.

  2. Good for you - wonderful way to announce it. And more than wonderful to see one of my former students is doing a room with her "daytime husband."

  3. Being a Brit I seldom know the designers you mention (with the exception of the older brigade, such as Elsie de Wolfe, Edith Wharton, Nancy Lancaster, etc) so I shall look forward to having your 'tease' untangled!
    Margaret P
