Monday, October 04, 2010

Chinese...If You Please

I went to the Schumacher showroom at ADAC the other day with the express purpose of looking at the new print Nanjing in person. That's it above in a Schumacher vignette. Big. Bold. Blue. Oh, and it's, of course, Chinoiserie. What's not to love?

The linen fabric comes in Porcelain and Jade, both shown above, as well as Coral and Smoke. I'm usually not crazy about green, but this Jade is a little like a bottle green. Such great colors. And then a few days later, I found photos of this kitchen loaded with blue and white accents, including an exuberant Chinoiserie print fabric.

That blown-up print looks great on the rather plain Queen Anne chairs. It really perked things up. Obviously, it's not the same print as the Schumacher, but it has a similar look.

The same fabric was even used to line glass-front kitchen cabinets.

So think about how great a red kitchen would look with the Coral Nanjing lining fronts of cabinets or used for window shades. Or, what about Porcelain or Jade used somewhere- anywhere!- in a peacock colored room. There are so many possibilities. I just need to narrow it down to how and where I'll use it in my home.

(Images #1 and #2 from Schumacher; #3 and #4 from Southern Accents; the date? Ages ago.)


  1. I was so excited about the fabric on the Queen Anne Chairs I couldn't type. It looks like a Blue Willow pattern and it is on my very short list of must-haves.
    If you are able to find out the name and if its available, I'd love to know.

  2. Looks just like a Blue Willow pattern. Really beautiful & I, too, love the green. Can't wait to see it in person. Hope you have a great week.

  3. That kitchen is stop my heart gorgeous. What personality and grace! Love it, love the fabric!

  4. I got a few yards of this earlier this summer and have been making the most wonderful pillows from it. There are two on my etsy site now. It's one of my favoutite prints and it will never go out of style.

  5. I never tire of chinoiserie--even just a little touch makes everything comes alive. Plus, it can be placed English, French, Italian, German, Swedish room........and it still works.

  6. Love chinoiserie, a great look that goes with most period rooms.

    That photo also points up the use of color in a white room. Friends have a "red" room, which is actually white, except for the use of red of a coral red on the seat covers, in the window embrasures, as curtains and as the back interior of the book cases.

    FYI, the chairs are actually Chippendale, an easy mistake with this photo as the back splat to both styles is similar and the curved legs of the William and Mary side table give one the impression that all the legs are curved, when in actuality, the chair legs are Chippendale-straight. That little shell crest carving in the center of the top of the chair back is also Chippendale - just a note from a former antiques dealer. For those who want either style chair, may I suggest you Google Eldred Wheeler? they hand-make very high-quality reproductions of both styles of dining chair.

  7. I'm so missing Southern Accents! Aren't you?

  8. Love this fabric - but I'm sucker for any form of toile. The Schumacher vignette is fabulous - what fun! This is screaming powder room to me - and you could layer it with canton and a great white lacquer mirror - oh the cogwheels are turning...

  9. I love it in the green! What a great unexpected twist!

  10. Love the print and the shades of blue and green. I use a ton of Schumacher, can never go wrong with them!

  11. OHHH loved this post. Sent it to a client to pick a color for the Nanjing fabric. thanks xx

  12. Love Schumacher fabrics too! Coral Nanjing would be fabulous lining fronts of cabinets as well.


  13. I can be bought for blue and white!

    I just unpacked the last box from my move from Virginia to California and my blue and white "treasures" are all over my living room.

    I second the comment about missing "Southern Accents".

  14. Boy, you are good! As I started reading this post, I thought to myself 'I must look up that old clipping with the kitchen that uses a similar fabric and send it to her', and voila, I scrolled down, and you were already there. Of course!

    (Actually, I confess to liking the kitchen fabric better...)

  15. I love chinoiserie in any way, shape, or form. I was just looking at some old issues of Southern Accents this weekend and thought how timeless they are. I'm so glad I kept the copies I have.

  16. Jennifer,

    I too like the green for a change up! Schumacher really does beauful reasonalby priced fabrics.
    Art by Karena

  17. Anonymous10:19 PM

    You know what I especially love about this kitchen? That the money was spent on antiques, not on a $20,000 stove.

  18. Oh, I adore this in blue - and I too miss Southern Accents... terribly -
